Home Remedies to Treat Flaky Scalp
Dandruff and flaky scalp are common problems among half the population. The predominant signs of flaky scalp are itchiness and flakiness. However, it might also lead to additional symptoms, such as tingling skin or greasy patchiness. There could be several underlying reasons for the flaky scalp, such as the development of a particular group of scalp-related fungi, sensitivity to certain hair products, seborrheic dermatitis, or naturally dry skin. Here’s how one can get rid of flaky scalp with common kitchen ingredients
The best way to treat flaky scalp is by using certain home remedies or kitchen ingredients. But how to get rid of flaky scalp with common kitchen ingredients? Let’s find out. This article lists out some simple remedies that can treat dandruff issues.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tee oil has a bunch of benefits. It is great for the skin, and helps get rid of acne, psoriasis, and treats several other ailments. Tea tree also has excellent anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties, which help you get rid of the flakiness. However, those who have sensitive skin should avoid this oil, as it can lead to some skin irritations.
Coconut Oil
We are well aware of the many health benefits associated with coconut oil. It is the perfect remedy to treat the flaky scalp. Coconut oil is hydrating and helps get rid of dryness. Furthermore, coconut oil also helps in treating eczema, a common skin condition, that might lead to a flaky scalp.
Aloe Vera
Wish to get rid of flaky scalp with common kitchen ingredients? Try aloe vera. It is a succulent that acts as a common ingredient in multiple skin lotions, cosmetic products, and skin ointments. Aloe vera works well in treating dandruff. The antifungal and antibacterial properties found in aloe vera help one get rid of dandruff.
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
Another ingredient that can help treat dandruff and flaky scalp is apple cider vinegar. ACV is known to have shown excellent results in promoting weight loss. It also improves insulin sensitivity. A lot of people use ACV as an active remedy for treating dandruff, and it is certainly known to work. With the acidic content in ACV, the scalp tends to get rid of the dead skin and the dryness. It also works well to balance your pH levels and prevent any further fungus growth on the scalp. You can add ACV to your shampoo or conditioner or apply it on your hair directly.
One of the active compounds present in aspirin is salicylic acid, which has excellent anti-inflammation properties. Salicylic acid is a common ingredient in different shampoos that claim to help you get rid of dandruff. Most of us have aspirin handy at our homes. So, you can just crush two tablets, mix this powder with your shampoo, and then wash your hair with the mixture.