Home Remedies to Deal with Pet Toxicity
Knowing home remedies to deal with pet toxicity is like having a first-aid kit handy. If you have a pet, you should be prepared for emergencies due to toxicity. There is always a possibility of your pet being poisoned by something they eat or they come into contact with. The reaction to the toxic substance can be mild or severe. Visible symptoms of the poisoning could be gastrointestinal, dermatological, and/or behavioral. Act quickly with home remedies when you spot abnormal symptoms if you think they are mild and manageable. Be ready to consult or reach the vet as soon as it is needed. Following are some home remedies to deal with pet toxicity:
- Fasting to soothe an upset stomach
Vomiting or diarrhea are the most common symptoms of poisoning. What can be done at home if your pet has nausea and vomiting after ingesting something toxic? In all cases of gastrointestinal symptoms, the best home remedy is to not feed your pet anything solid for the next 12 hours. Just keep hydrating and watch for symptoms before you go to the vet. Make a log of the symptoms, the number of occurrences, patterns of reaction, and other related problems.
- Feeding bland food and distilled water
After the fast, try feeding bland food like canned tuna with water or cooked white rice with chicken which is easily digestible. Give small quantities initially and watch if symptoms are improving. Avoid minerals and metals in the water. Give your pet filtered water. The water from your tap may have chemicals like chlorine or fluorine added to it and other impurities or suspended particles that could add to the toxicity. If your pet is showing symptoms even while fasting or if it is unable to digest small bland meals or is refusing to eat, you have to rush to the vet.
- Inducing vomiting or diarrhea
This measure has to be previously discussed with your vet as inducing vomiting may be harmful in some cases. The hydrogen peroxide solution is suggested to induce vomiting. Three per cent hydrogen peroxide is considered an effective emetic for dogs, cats, ferrets, and pigs. Activated charcoal is recommended to induce diarrhea. It absorbs the toxin or chemical and facilitates it to be flushed out through excretion. These remedies differ with pets and their sizes. They can be done as a home remedy only after consultation with your vet regarding its recommended dosage.
- Washing toxic substances off the skin
If the symptoms of toxicity are seen on the skin, the poisoning could have happened through contact with the toxic substance. Gently remove any visible substance from the skin with protective gloves without aggravating the skin. Wash with water or mild soap that does not irritate the inflammation or induce rashes. Antihistamines and fatty acid supplements could be given to soothe itching after consultation with the vet.
- Cleaning eyes
Check if there is any inflammation around the eyes. To wash eyes of any irritants, use normal tepid distilled water. Repeat the process for 20 to 30 minutes. Use recommended antibiotic eye drops or ointment. Look out for redness or discharge. If the problem continues, consult the vet immediately.