Dietary Mistakes That Cause Migraines

Dietary Mistakes That Cause Migraines

Migraine is the third most prevalent disorder in the world. Recent research suggests that obesity affects the intensity and frequency of migraines among migraineurs. However, weight loss can be a tough challenge when trying to reduce weight by dieting as fasting or skipping meals or certain foods can also trigger migraines. Here are are a few points to remember to help reduce weight while avoiding migraines.

Hydration is the most important supplement when fasting or dieting or working out. The body needs to be hydrated all the time when you’re trying to lose weight. Dehydration, even at low levels, can trigger severe headaches. Most importantly, when the brain is running low on water, headaches slowly creeps in and develops into more severe migraines. When dieting, it is crucial to watch for symptoms such as dry mouth, thirst, and dark brown or yellow urination, which indicate dehydration. Moreover, hydration aids weight loss, and helps the body detox and increase metabolism.

Using Artificial Sweeteners
Switching to artificial sweeteners or sugars was considered a positive step toward weight loss. However, recent research suggests that artificial sweeteners such as Sucralose and Aspartame are triggers for migraines. Many people have been known to report headaches after consuming one of these artificial sweeteners. These sweeteners also cause havoc to food habits by inducing dissatisfaction and thus allowing a person to over-eat.

Many recent studies have proved that fasting is an effective way to detox and lose weight. But when not done with an optimum level of health, fasting can induce many disorders in the body. The primary cause of migraines is insufficient glucose to the brain through the blood. Fasting decreases the glucose levels in the body and causes hypoglycemia, which results in symptoms such as headache, nausea, migraine, sweating, and tiredness. A better way to reduce weight is to reduce the amount of food intake and increase the number of meals throughout the day, so that the brain gets a regular supply of glucose. Following a healthy balanced diet while eliminating the triggers of migraines is the best way to lose weight.

While coffee is known to suppress hunger and eliminate headaches successfully in many people’s daily lives, it is less known that they cause migraines. Caffeine stimulates the brain and keeps it active for a short period, but when you craves more caffeine, the potential symptoms are headaches, migraines, irritability and tiredness, and a foggy mind. So, to relieve these symptoms, drinking coffee or caffeinated drinks is common worldwide. In reality, caffeine triggers migraines during withdrawal. Switching to drinking herbal tea or salty lemon juice instead of caffeine can help reduce weight and stay hydrated while dieting.

Stress Eatiung
Strict dieting regimens can induce stress through symptoms such as headaches, tightness across the forehead, neck, and shoulders. People undergoing frequent stress are more prone to migraines and vice versa. To successfully lose weight, one needs to follow a stress-free diet and eating habits. This means avoiding junk and eating whole, nutritious foods in small quantities and properly hydrating throughout the day.