3 Alternative Therapies to Treat Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Some popular alternative therapies to treat spinal muscular atrophy include osteopathy, acupuncture, and homeopathy. They are known to work in a lot of cases and have shown positive results. So, this article talks about some of these alternative therapies in detail. Osteopathy In osteopathy, the expert practitioners would try to treat spinal muscular atrophy via massages with an attempt of manipulating the muscles and the skeleton system. In most cases, osteopathy has shown incredible results. Some organizations and institutions across the world have regarded osteopathy to be an effective treatment for lower back-related pain. The noted side effect of using this alternative treatment include tenderness or pain in the area treated, fatigue, or headache. As such, there haven’t ever been any major complications because of the use of this therapy. Osteopathy shouldn’t be used as an active treatment method for individuals who have osteoporosis, cancer, blood clotting disorders, multiple sclerosis, or fractures. At times, the individuals who have spinal muscular atrophy might also have low bone density. So, before starting with the treatment, it is best to consult the medical team. Acupuncture It is a 2000-year old practice, which involves the method of needle insertion into the energy points or the meridians of the body.