6 Recommended Food Types for IBS
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects people of all ages, and there are about 24 and 45 million people with IBS in the country alone. IBS is caused by eating certain foods, but certain foods are best to consume while suffering from this condition. Here are some of the foods that do not trigger symptoms and are safe to eat while suffering from IBS.
Low-FODMAP Veggies
Over the years, doctors have identified key foods that are known to trigger IBS and have categorized them as FODMAP foods. FODMAP foods are fermentable, oligosaccharide, disaccharide, monosaccharide, and polyols foods. These foods are known to trigger IBS, but the ones that are low in FODMAPs are safe to eat even when suffering from the condition. These foods are bamboo shoots, bok choy, broccoli, carrots, collard greens, cabbage, endive, eggplant, kale, green beans, lemon, potato, scallions, squash, spinach, sweet potato, Swiss chard, tomato, turnip, water chestnut, and zucchini. However, doctors suggest these vegetables be cooked to be on the safer side. The best ways to soothe the bowels are by not frying or deep-frying them but to boil, bake or sauté. The vegetables are also to be consumed fresh.
Low-FODMAP Fruits
Fruits are instant supplies of energy and nutrients while regulating proper bowel movement. Fruits make good salads and snacks too. During IBS, it is important to eat only fruits with low-FODMAP. Fruits such as avocado, banana, blueberry, grapes, cantaloupe, lime, lemon, orange, papaya, pineapple, and strawberry are safe to eat and are digested well.
Similar to fruits, nuts are great sources of healthy unsaturated fats, nutrients, and energy. They can be included along with a variety of foods or can be eaten as a snack. However, for IBS patients, not all nuts are safe to eat. It is quite important to know which ones are low-FODMAP and can be eaten. Nuts such as almonds, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, pecan, pine nuts, and walnuts are low-FODMAP and safe to eat during IBS.
Eggs are easily digested protein packs and great for any meal. Even though eggs whites are not very well digested by some, eggs, in general, are safe to consume when the IBS wrecks havoc. Safe ways of eating eggs during IBS, are when they are poached, hard or soft boiled or scrambled with very less oil.
Salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel, black cod, anchovies, and rainbow trout are safe to eat during IBS as they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. The omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory by nature and prove to be excellent food remedies for IBS. Consuming fish as salads soups are recommended by nutritionists.
Lean Meats
These foods are a great source of protein and are very well digested by the intestines. The best lean meats, as recommended by nutritionists, are organic white meat chicken, white meat turkey, pork and lean beef. Dark or red meat are known to trigger IBS as they contain inflammatory fats or toxins. Cooking these lean meats with less oil is recommended.